2 thoughts on “I was shown again more of the true life that surrounds us

  1. Yeah, that’s totally cool! And I believe you! I mean cuz that’s gotta be real cuz of how they would communicate to you by showing you, instead of, Idk, telepathically, cuz isn’t telepathy just what your hearin that their sayin or what the other person is saying to you……… and so if your getting images in your head, you know exactly what’s goin on that the other person is literally showing you what’s goin on. Maybe it’s the difference of what’s maybe called audio telepathy and visual telepathy or shit maybe telepathy is the wrong word. But my point is, is that they show you in your pictures of who they are and whatnot, instead of telling you so it would seem more legitimate to me anyway……. Good stuff ya got! ✌🏼

    1. Thank You for commenting Shawn. I’m so happy you are here and enjoy what I am sharing.I let them all know That I would share with the world if they chose to show me themselves a long time ago. So I am happy for the honest connection I have.

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