Rf At My Work And The Proof That This Penetrates Everything (turn up volume for clips)

PDF for the research or just google the name of the article https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305689940_EUROPAEM_EMF_Guideline_2016_for_the_prevention_diagnosis_and_treatment_of_EMF-related_health_problems_and_illnesses

Author: heather


1 thought on “Rf At My Work And The Proof That This Penetrates Everything (turn up volume for clips)

  1. Hold up dude, I know it’s not easy. I been living at anchor since December 1, I had to learn to sail real fast. I am in the middle of a war that I had no part in. accept existing. they know who we are because we Don’t accept what they are doing, so they are targeting us for some reason? I think the vaccinated are collectively possessed as I have witnessed them conspiring.
    I stopped doing all cannabis years ago because it was messing with my heart. rhythm. . . Trust nobody! especially the new ones that pretend to have a common rebellion against the government. the institute are too many as you are well aware.

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